Saturday, November 26, 2022

The time Kane threatened 6 mini wrestlers and Sunny on WWE Raw

This is a script for my YouTube video of the same name, which you can find here: 

On November 17th 1997, WWE presented one of the more shocking segments in the shows near 30 year history, ad one that still sticks in my mind. I'm sure you're aware of this, but the subject of weird WWE moments covers a lot of ground. Sometimes WWE will produce a segment that is strange for strangeness' sake, Mae Young giving birth to a hand jumping out as the obvious example, but this one at least had a bit of backstory behind it.

I've done a few videos on this channel about Kane, because the early years of that character fascinate me. When he debuted in October 1997, he wanted one thing only, a fight with his brother, the Undertaker. The goal behind the scenes was to extend this story all the way to Wrestlemania 14, which presented a challenge in the fast paced environment of the attitude era. Despite some rough patches along the way I feel like they came up with a compelling plan to achieve this.

For months, the Undertaker flat out refused to fight his own brother, citing a vow he had made to their deceased parents. Every time he refused, Kane would get even more desperate to goad the man once known as the conscience of the WWE, but he would not break that vow. Kane's response was to turn his attention to innocent victims in order to goad Undertaker into fighting him. On the October 6th Raw, Kane would assault a 23 and 20 year old Matt and Jeff Hardy, who were in the ring for a scheduled match against the Truth Commission. Before that match could take place, Kane enters and destroys the Hardy Boys. Paul Bearer then gets on the microphone and explains their plan to hurt people until the Undertaker relents. Bearer goes as far to claim that Kane lost an eye in the fire while the cameramen struggle to get a clear shot at Kane's contact lens.

Kane would continue to brutalise members of the roster to try and get Undertakers attention, but the weirdest of these came on the November 17th Raw. The segment begins with Sunny making her entrance to referee the following match, which would be a lucha showcase featuring 6 mini wrestlers. In 1997 WWE had an active working relationship with AAA in Mexico, who would provide them with talented luchadors, so this part was not quite as out of the ordinary as it might sound.

The six wrestlers, Max Mini, Mini Taurus, Mini Nova, El Torito (not that one I think), Battalion and Tarantula, wrestled a fun match for several minutes, with Sunny getting involved in a spot where she would leap over one of the minis, then suddenly the lights would go out, and the famous organ introduction would play. To their credit, Jim Ross and Jim Cornette on commentary sold this like everyone in the ring was in danger as the big red machine strode to the ring. The minis bolt out of the ring, hiding behind Ross and Cornette.

Before Kane can pursue them, the Headbangers run in, hitting Kane with a boom box, which is a term that feels old as hell in 2022. Kane proceeds to make short work of destroying Thrasher and Mosh, before taking his leave.

As this took place in November, we still had a long way to go until Wrestlemania 14. Kane would continue on this warpath, eventually crossing the line at the 1998 Royal Rumble, but that story is for another day. If I could end on a personal note, making these videos has brought me back to many things I have nostalgia for, but haven't thought about in years. The early years of Kane is one of those, and you can bet come Wrestlemania season I'll be revisiting this storyline.

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