Saturday, February 10, 2024

ECW's most unlikely champion: Mikey Whipwreck

In ECW's history there are only three men who held all three main championships, the Television, Tag and World titles. The second and third are names most would likely guess, Sabu and Taz. You could also claim that Rob Van Dam is the fourth, but he won his World title under the WWE branded version, which went very well. This video is about none of these men, rather the first to achieve this honour, and for reasons I'll get to the most unlikely of the four, Mikey Whipwreck. This video was originally going to be about one of Mikey's title wins, but the more I watched of him, the more I wanted to explore how he became ECW's most unlikely success stories.

In the WWE's Rise and Fall of ECW documentary, Paul Heyman introduced Mikey as a member of the ring crew who showed some promise. "These kids worked on the ring crew for free as long as they could fly around the ring a little bit and just be noticed." Speaking on how they spotted Mikey in particular Paul said "he would take a bump and he had such sympathy." From here Mikey would be trained and would wrestle his first televised match in January '94, a tag team loss to Kevin Sullivan and the Tazmanic, who would go on to be Taz. Mikey would become a massively popular underdog with Paul noting that "the one key was we never once gave him an offensive manoeuvre."

If you're wondering like I did where the name Mikey Whipwreck comes from, Mikey himself said in an interview with Pro Wrestling Post that Heyman named him after a promoter from Maryland called Dennis Whipwreck. "What Paul was doing in ECW at the time was, he was taking some of the job guys, taking a name and twisting it around a little bit..." "... I guess Paul was taking jabs at local promoters." There is after all a history of enhancement talent being given gimmick names, sometimes even taking shots at others in the business such as famed WCW wrestler Randy Hogan. In the same interview Mikey elaborates on what Heyman said in the WWE documentary. Mikey was training already with a friend who went by the name Stormin' Norman, under WWE enhancement wrestler Sonny Blaze, but he never saw himself getting far in wrestling. "I was 5  foot 8 or 9 inches tall, and maybe 155 pounds. There was no chance in hell of someone my size doing anything in the business. He was charging (sic) me to wrestle if I cleaned the gym and things like that." Mikey goes on so explain that this would end up being his way into professional wrestling. "ECW wanted to rent Sonny's ring, and I was pretty much the guy, so I went and we'd set up."

What's interesting though is that both Mikey and Paul tell similar stories about Whipwreck being allowed to work in the ring once he had set it up, but the two accounts diverge from here. Paul tells the story of noticing a guy who showed that he could sell and draw sympathy even in practice without a crowd, but Mikey tells it very differently. "As soon as the ring was up, he and I (referring to Norman), would do high spots to test the ring that the ropes are good, and there weren't any bumps anywhere or overlapping pads, things like that. I guess Joey Styles and Paul Heyman noticed me and asked me do you want to wrestle?" Mikey is also known for his rather unique ring gear. The biker shorts he claimed were borrowed from other wrestlers, initially at least, while his tennis shoes were all he had at the time. The oversized dragon shirt that would go on to inspire his look he says just happened to be in his bag, noting "It was very much spur of the moment."

Television championship

Mikey would begin his ECW career with a five month losing streak, eventually winning a few matches by DQ. His first real win came on May 17th '94, where he wouldn't just defeat Pitbull #1 Gary Wolfe, but he would beat him for the ECW television title. Late in the match Wolfe hits a powerbomb on Mikey, clearly about to retain his title, when the Tazmaniac hits the apron. Pitbull launches himself at Taz only to get himself tangled in the ropes. From Wolfe's selling he rolls back into the ring having appeared to have low blowed himself on the rope. Commentator Jay Sulli tells us that if a worthy opponent were in there they would be able to take advantage of this. Seconds later Mikey rolls over barely covering Wolfe, and the referee counts three, in what is portrayed as very much an accidental victory for Whipwreck. Regardless the ECW fans went wild as Mikey was awarded the TV championship.

The very next week's episode of ECW would begin with Mikey defending his newly won title against Kevin Sullivan. This fairly short match largely consists of Sullivan beating up Mikey, very quickly throwing him into the crowd and lobbing chairs at him. When the match finally gets in the ring, Kevin hangs Mikey upside down in the corner and repeatedly charged into him with his knees. The third time he tries this, somehow the referee wanders in front and Sullivan knocks him down, causing Mikey to win the match by DQ. In this entire match, Mikey does not land so much as a single punch on the way to his dubious victory.

Over the next several weeks Mikey would continue to just barely hold on to his championship in the unlikeliest of ways. He would beat Pitbull Gary Wolfe again when Wolfe refuses to let go of his full nelson, thus allowing Mikey to win by DQ. Next he would beat the returning Anthony Durante, more famously known as Pitbull #2, who hadn't been in ECW since 1992. Mikey would slap their manager Jason off the apron, enraging Wolfe, who enters the ring and both Pitbulls attack Mikey, leading to another DQ win.

After this Mikey would defeat The Sandman, again by DQ when Tommy Cairo who Sandman was feuding with would attack both men with a cane. The referee sees Cairo hit Mikey first, and so yet again Mikey retains by DQ. If you're keeping count this is the fourth sort of successful title defence of you can call it that, but surely Mikey's luck would run out soon. On the following weeks episode Sandman would get a rematch, This would come to a short end after Mikey on the outside would accidentally bump into Woman, the Sandman's manager, and she would enter the ring and hit him with a cane repeatedly. Several wrestlers would attempt to save Mikey as Sandman goes off with the cane, but they all get floored. Finally Tommy Dreamer would come to the rescue, whose own history with the Sandman and canes is a whole other story.

In his next match Mikey would defeat Stevie Richards, and though this time it looked like Mikey would win by pinfall, Jason Knight would run in and attack him giving Mikey another DQ win. This would lead to Mikey's next defence against Jason at Hardcore Heaven.

Forgive me for making an irrelevant side note, but while watching this match I couldn't help noticing that despite this match taking place in Gilbertsville Pennsylvania, the ring mat displayed the logo of the famous New York night club Studio 54. In Paul Heyman's 2014 WWE documentary he talks about how he had worked as a photographer and promoter there in the 80's, even hosting a wrestling themed event on August 23rd 1985 using the contacts he had made. The event featured the presentation of a 'man of the year' award to Ric Flair, an honor Heyman made up to get him to attend, as well as the pro wrestling debut of one of Paul's future ECW World champions, Bam Bam Bigelow.

At Hardcore Heaven Mikey would finally lose the Television title to Jason Knight, where a stipulation was added that the match couldn't end in disqualification. This quickly becomes Mikey's best effort yet, as he quickly strings together a cross body, an atomic drop, a dropkick, a hip toss, an arm drag, a body slam and ends with a second drop kick while the crowd gets louder and louder. After weeks and weeks of seeing Mikey getting beaten up mercilessly, this felt like an earned moment where the ECW fans show their support for Mikey. While this is certainly a high point, the end of the match would create much confusion. Mikey would swing a chair, missing Jason but clocking the referee, after then hitting Jason Mikey would pin him, and the ref would slowly crawl over and count three. While Mikey is celebrating the Pitbulls attack him, and pull Jason on top, and the referee counts three again, awarding the match and title to Jason. The story they were trying to tell is that the referee was groggy and didn't recall counting the first fall, and didn't call for the bell, but this just looked like a botch of some kind. Regardless, Mikey would move in to a very unlikely chapter in his career in his very next match.

Tag Team Championship

Over the years wrestling has seen many a tag team made up of two people you couldn't imagine co-existing in the same room together, let alone the wrestling ring. Some have even become champions, with two famous examples being Team Hell No, or a bit further back Goldust and Booker T. In both of those examples the members would eventually end up a unified team, but what happens when one half seemingly has no control over the situation he finds himself in? 

On August 27th 1994, ECW tag team champions the Public Enemy were scheduled to defend their titles against Cactus Jack and Terry Funk, but Terry apparently didn't make it to the event, with Joey Styles claiming that Funk had had "plane trouble". This left Cactus with a big problem, who would he be able to find as a replacement partner?

It's also worth noting that following this match Shane Douglas in the main event would win the NWA World championship, and throw it to the ground post match. The tag title match would air on television on the following week though, which would be the first official episode of the newly renamed Extreme Championship Wrestling. For more details on this I have video about Shane's actions that night on this channel. Eastern Championship Wrestling before this had been crossing the line for a fair while. For example at Heat wave '94 one month previously, The Public Enemy achieved maybe their biggest victory ever, defeating Terry and Dory Funk, both former NWA World champions, in a barbed wire rope match. This match actually predates the more famous Funk vs Sabu barbed wire match which happened in 1997. Around this time in 94 at Hardcore Heaven was the infamous night where Terry Funk while in a match against Cactus Jack, requested that a fan throw him a chair. He got a lot more than a chair, as the ECW arena fans threw a barrage of chairs into the ring. This became one of the most iconic clips of ECW footage ever.

On the September 6th '94 episode of Hardcore TV where the match aired, we join in progress the Public Enemy beating down Tommy Dreamer, as Joey Styles explains that they are doing this to prevent Dreamer from being the replacement partner. We are told that Cactus, who came out to check on Tommy was challenged by Public Enemy to go and find a replacement for later in the night. As we wait to find out who will walk out through the curtain Joey Styles asks us, "which world class athlete? Which former World champion? Which legend? Which tough guy will Cactus pick as his partner?" As it turns out, Cactus would pick none of these, a very unlikely partner to say the least. Cactus would emerge through the curtain presumably grabbing the first wrestler he saw backstage, a very reluctant Mikey Whipwreck, who is actively resisting Jack pulling him towards ringside. Mikey even almost escapes at one point, making it clear he does not want to fight the Public Enemy, and Cactus has to throw him into 

Getting back to August 27th '94, even as Mikey is introduced by ring announcer Bob Artese, he has a look on his face like he'd rather be anywhere else in the world. Despite this Cactus would insist that Mikey starts the match, but as soon as Rocco Rock approaches him Mikey tries to dive out of the ring, only for Cactus to catch him. He again begs Cactus, who shows some remorse and tags in to start the match, this allows Mikey to make his escape, but Cactus in pursuit of him gets attacked by Public Enemy. Not knowing what is coming you might be forgiven for thinking this serves Foley right for picking the wrong partner, but moments later Mikey returns with a weapon, and the crowd loves him for it. From here the match finally starts, and as you can imagine, it's no technical classic. Cactus would use Mikey as a battering ram, maybe the most offence Mikey was a part of, a sort of part of. What follows next is several minutes of Public Enemy beating down Whipwreck, who kicks out of everything they have, including piledrivers. In the end Cactus would create a distraction by knocking Rocco off the top rope, and Mikey would roll hi up for the shock victory. Not only did Cactus and Whipwreck win the tag titles, but they overcame the odds to do it.

What really made Mikey and Cactus winning the ECW tag titles memorable wasn't the matches themselves, it was the promos that really built the character of Mikey Whipwreck. In the next segment post the two winning the tag titles, Cactus essentially interviews Mikey, who noted that he promised his mother that he wouldn't win another championship because quote, "Cos' she's scared I'm going to end up like you." In response Foley points out that he could have picked anyone as his partner, but he chose Mikey because he saw himself in the young Whipwreck. Quote, "you got into the world of professional wrestling the dirty way, you set up rings and who broke you in a man named Sonny Blaze and I ask you this. Who broke in Sonny Blaze? Cactus Jack did!" I won't recite the whole promo because I'm obviously nowhere near as good as Mick Foley, but he did his best to both gas up and frighten Mikey, and it is clear that this would be a hell of a ride.

Over the next several weeks of ECW television, Cactus would continue to alert Mikey to the fact that the Public Enemy was out for their blood, and Mikey would attempt to run away several more times, making him feel like more of a hostage than an ECW champion. On the September 20th episode Cactus goes into a long rant about how he's faced many wrestlers who were angry at him, listing Sting and Abdullah the Butcher among others, and claims they all left a scar on him that he wears with pride. This is somehow supposed to inspire Mikey, but only further intimidates him. I'll not recap each one week by week, as by the third one it became clear to me that they were all filmed at the same taping and are mostly Cactus rewording the same points. In one particularly famous promo, Cactus would ask Mikey what all of this means, to which Mikey would timidly respond "it means I'm gonna die." Rather than caring for him, the unhinged Cactus Jack would yell at us that "he likes it, Mikey really likes it!" From the look on Mikey's face, he really doesn't like it.

On Mick's podcast, Foley is Pod, he was asked about his dynamic when teaming with Mikey. Foley said "I loved it because he took such great bumps. He had sympathy with the fans and this was generally speaking a pretty unsympathetic group of die hard fans." He then calls their time together a "big brother type of relationship", noting that Mikey would sometimes stay the night on his way home after ECW cards.

Cactus and Mikey's tag title reign would be fairly short lived, only defending the titles once on television against Dean Malenko and Jason Knight. At November to Remember 1994 the duo would lose the belts back to the Public Enemy. This match had a fairly unique stipulation to it, where the baseball bats that Public Enemy carried to the ring weren't legal to use unless a member of the other team had failed to meet a ten count, like a last man standing match, but the winners would be determined by pin. Whether these unusual rules have a purpose or not, another unusual thing was that while Mikey was clearly hesitant, he actually chose to start the match off for his team. Perhaps the words of Cactus Jack had been giving some encouragement after all?

While Cactus and Mikey fair well to start with, the match takes a turn when Cactus gets powder thrown in his eye, leading to him accidentally hitting a DDT on Mikey, that he does not beat the ten count from. By the time Cactus realises what happened he tries to pick Mikey up but it is too late, and now Public Enemy are allowed to use the bats. There's a strange bit of interference from Sabu, who Joey styles explains got offended at Rocco Rock attempting to use a table, pushing him through it off a platform on the grounds that it's Sabu's gimmick. He's nowhere to be seen a few minutes later when Cactus does the same thing to Johnny Grunge though.

Once the action gets back to the ring the baseball bat would come into play again, as Johnny Grunge would use it on Mikey to get the pin, and reclaim the tag team titles. While Mikey and Cactus' reign wasn't the most special from an in ring perspective, it's clear that the Mikey Whipwreck that actively ran away from the Public Enemy just a few months earlier was gone, and he would move on to even bigger things in 1995.

ECW Championship

From here on Mikey Whipwreck's career would only gain more accolades. He would have a second tag title run with Cactus Jack and a very short second TV title reign, but before those on the October 31st 1995 episode of Hardcore TV, Mikey would challenge the Sandman to a ladder match for the ECW World championship.

At the start of this episode Joey Styles makes it clear that this won't be like other ladder matches where the belt is suspended above the ring, rather the match will end by pinfall quote "the way championships should be won". Whether this is a dig at something WWE or WCW had done around this time I'm not sure, but I'm betting it was. Halfway through the episode we see Mikey in the pitch black with his former foes, the Public Enemy. We're told that they are in Central Park but we have no way of knowing that, as Public Enemy try to motivate Mikey ahead of his match with Sandman. As Rocco leaves for supplies this devolves into a comedy sketch, where Johnny Grunge has Mikey dashing up a ladder to retrieve beers for him. I should point out here that this episode in particular has a lot of comedy in it. The show opens with the infamous Steve Austin "Monday Nyquil" skit, where Austin parody's Eric Bischoff and WCW Nitro in general in a rather unhinged and hilarious rant that I'm definitely getting into more detail about in a future video. We also are introduced to a bizarre segment called 'extreme encyclopedia', consisting of the screens you are seeing right now set to classical music.

After this training montage of sorts, we cut to the Sandman making his entrance, with Woman holding on to the ECW gold. Given that the last match I talked about in this video was almost a year ago, it shouldn't be surprising that we see a very different Mikey Whipwreck than the man who against his will teamed with Cactus Jack and seemingly by pure luck held on to the television title. This is a Mikey with a little more confidence about him. The Sandman doesn't care though, flicking his cigarette at him while perched on top of the ladder. Once again Joey Styles notes that the title belt won't be hanging from the ring, and here it dawned on me that it would be a lot harder for Mikey to fluke into a win where he had to climb the ladder and grab the belt, than what actually happens.

Before the match can begin we get an entrance from the extreme superstar, Steve Austin, who climbs the ladder and cuts a scathing promo on all in the ring, and challenges the winner. On his way out of the ECW arena, he carries Woman away, so she can't get involved in the match. Thought Mikey does get to use the ladder as a weapon early on, this match is mostly all Sandman on the attack. He brutally slams Mikey onto the ladder, and later props him up on the ladder and hits a leg drop off it. A fan hands Mikey a chair which allows him to come back. Sandman then does an insane move where he leaps from the ring to the floor catapulting the ladder which is propped over the guard rail into Mikey, who is in the crowd. If you've ever seen the infamous ladder match Sandman had with Sabu, we're reaching those levels of recklessness.

Back in the ring Mikey manages to use the ladder again, twice throwing it right at Sandman's forehead which looked brutal. Mikey hits a splash into the ladder laid on Sandman, and actually gets a three count. Joey Styles asks us "Do you believe in miracles?" as the man who was afraid of his own shadow not that long ago becomes only the third champion since the company became Extreme Championship Wrestling, joining Sandman and Shane Douglas.

In non televised events Mikey would make two defences of the ECW World title, one being a rematch with the Sandman, and the other being against Jason Knight, the man who had taken the TV title off him. At 1995's November to Remember which aired on TV on November 21st but was taped after Mikey following match, Mikey would have the match many probably know him for, but less might have actually seen, as he would defend the ECW World title against Steve Austin.

The match was actually scheduled to be the Sandman getting another rematch against Mikey, but he would be brutally attacked in the entrance way by Austin, causing the match to be changed. As Sandman is taken away by EMT's, Mikey comes out to accept the challenge laid out by Austin. As Mikey walks to the ring Joey Styles lists all of Austin's WCW accomplishments, noting that a world title has so far alluded him, which a weird thing to hear all these years and several WWE championships later. Austin ends his promo on Mikey with a pretty epic line, "My name is Steve Austin, and tonight for a very very short while, your name is Eric Bischoff." Honestly Steve Austin's time in ECW is worthy of it's own deep dive in another video, but for now I'll point out that eight years later Austin would finally get his hands on Eric in the ring at No Way Out 2003, but for now he would have to settle for taking his frustrations out on Mikey Whipwreck.

In what felt like a rerun of Mikey's TV title days, Steve Austin would beat on the champion mercilessly, even at one point mocking one of his targets in WCW Hollywood Hogan, hitting a big boot and leg drop, with Joey Styles noting that stuff doesn't work here. Mikey would try to fight back, but Austin would hit his finisher before the Stunner, known as the stun gun, where he would drop his opponent across the top rope. Mikey would, shockingly, kick out of this move. In my near twenty five years of watching wrestling I don't believe I've ever seen this anywhere else, but Mikey would actually pin Steve Austin with of all moves, a sunset flip. Granted he had was pulling on Austin's tights so much even ECW had to pixilate parts of him, but a win is a win, and Mikey forever has one over the Extreme Superstar. Austin would attack Mikey post match, and the story between then wouldn't end here, but this likely remains the trivia note that most people know about Mikey Whipwreck.

On the following week's Hardcore TV, Mikey would defend his World title again, this time against of all people, Rey Mysterio Jr., who was nearing the end of him time in ECW. Sadly they only presented this match in clip form, but the made it look like a belter of a match, with Mikey getting a fair amount of offence in a match where he uniquely has the size advantage. Mikey would win with a magistral cradle, and the two show respect to each other post match.

On the December 12th episode of Hardcore TV, Mikey's world title reign would come to an end, as he would face Sandman and Steve Austin in what they called a Triangle match. The match starts with Steve and Mikey, with Austin noticeably taking the champion much more seriously. The two have a very sporting wrestling match until Mikey attempts another sunset flip, and the Sandman's music hits. While there are several minutes of Steve Austin and Sandman going at each other in the closest thing they ever had to a singles match, Mikey would also get a lot more in than I've seen in any other match for this video. In ECW three way tradition, Mikey would be eliminated first by Steve Austin following a Stun Gun, guaranteeing a new champion who would end up being the Sandman. Mikey's triple crown would end here, but what a journey we covered from a man who couldn't get a punch in, to an ECW world champion fighting on the same level as future legends of wrestling.

Mikey's career

What of the rest of Mikey Whipwreck's career? Briefly, as I'm aware this video is getting pretty long. In '99 Mikey would join WCW, and have a not that great run, but to be fair not many people did in '99 WCW. He would debut in what fans at the time called one of the better matches of the Uncensored pay per view on March 14th, where he would lose to WCW Cruiserweight champion Billy Kidman. Throughout the year he would wrestle twelve more matches, losing all but two, and they were for lower than B level shows Worldwide and Saturday Night. Wrestling his final WCW match in August, he would be back in ECW by October, where he would stay until the end of the promotion.

Upon his return he would form a tag team with Yoshihiro Tajiri known as the Unholy alliance led by the Sinister Minister, known more today as Father James Mitchell from TNA, and that weird NWA white powder incident. He continued to work the indies after ECW closed, and would later find new footing as a trainer. Some of the wrestlers he has been credited for training include but aren't limited to former Ring Of Honor World champion Jay Lethal, Matt Cardona formerly known as Zack Ryder, and WWE and AEW wrestler Trent Beretta. In a 2018 interview with Wrestling Inc, Mikey noted that he turned down one of the more notable of the many of the ECW tribute shows and reunions, TNA's Hardcore Justice event. He elaborated on how he felt that One Night Stand was authentic because it was held in an ECW building and Paul was there, but TNA's later attempts didn't feel right. He did however work Shane Douglas' initial Hardcore Homecoming event that was created to counter WWE's One Night Stand pay per view, but he didn't wrestle on any of the follow up events.

In that same interview Mikey claims that he also turned down a job as a trainer for NXT around 2018, arguably during their peak years. Mikey notes that he declined he offer because he didn't want to move his family down to Florida for fear of being fired and ending up unemployed in a new home, but he would have accepted guest trainer spots, which NXT also does from time to time. Incidentally this exact situation would happen to Alison Danger, a former wrestler who is the sister of ECW alumni and current WWE employee Steve Corino. On January 5th 2022, having uprooted her family from Las Vegas to move to Florida, WWE released her on the day she was picking up her children for their first day at their new school. In her own words on Rene Paquette's podcast, "I feel like I got brought to Florida and left to die". Still, stand up for WWE, eh?

In 2021, Mikey announced that he would be backing away from making public appearances, citing his family even noting "I've had enough of my kids crying when I pack a bag." He then further explained issues he was having mentally, including quote, crippling social anxiety, hearing loss, confusion, mood swings and problems getting his words out. Mikey goes on to note that he through his career suffered fourteen concussions that he's aware of noting that they may be the cause of these issues, and praises his wife and children.

As of me making this video, Mikey is still a semi-active professional wrestler, with his latest match being for New York Wrestling Connection on January 20th 2024, a promotion he's had history with since 2003. On January 3rd of this year, Mikey on twitter posted a sobering account of his experiences with post concussion syndrome, describing his aliment as "feeling like my brain is underwater. Combined with the near constant headache behind my eyes, it means a day of wishing shit was over on and off all day. Lifetime of post concussion syndrome makes for a lovely existence."

I hope you'll forgive me for changing the tone, but I originally set out to make this video about a fun story in ECW history, but my further research led me to a different ending. It starkly reminded me of the lengths wrestlers go to entertain us, and I feel like we need that reminder from time to time. When Mikey tweeted about his current issues he received a barrage of well wishes from fans which brings some relief. I want to end this video by wishing all the best to Mikey, and I hope you do too.


Intro clip:

- Rise and fall of ECW - Heyman on Whipwreck origin 19 mins

- Mikey Interview

- ECW Hardcore TV May 17th 1994 (Whipwreck wins TV title)

- ECW Hardcore TV May 24th 1994 (Whipwreck vs Sullivan)

- ECW Hardcore TV June 21st 1994 (Whipwreck vs Pitbull #1 rematch).

- ECW Hardcore TV July 5th 1994 (Mikey vs Pitbull #2

- ECW Hardcore TV July 12th 1994 (Mikey vs Sandman)

- ECW Hardcore TV July 19th 1994 (Sandman rematch)

- ECW Hardcore TV August 2nd 1994 (Mikey vs Steve Richards)

- Hardcore Heaven 1994 August 13th 1994 (Mikey vs Jason & Funk and the chairs)

- Heat Wave 1994 (Funks vs Public Enemy

- ECW Hardcore TV Sept 6th 1994 (Public Enemy vs Cactus and Whipwreck)

- ECW Hardcore TV September 20th 1994 (Cactus 'scars' Promo)

- November to Remember 1994 (Cactus and Mikey lose)

- Foley is Pod comments about Mikey Whipwreck

- ECW Hardcore TV October 31st 1995 (Mikey vs Sandman World title)

- ECW November to Remember 1995 (Mikey vs Steve Austin) (air date Nov 21st 95)

- ECW Hardcore TV  November 28th 1995 (Mikey vs Rey)

- ECW Hardcore TV December 12th (Mikey vs Austin vs Sandman)

- Wrestling inc 2018 - turning down NXT trainer job

- Alison Danger interview -

- Metro article 2021

Jan 2024 tweet about Post concussion syndrome:

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